Total Bangun Persada in Brief
Vision, Mission, and Corporate Values
Good Corporate Governance
Total Building
Trust and Reliability
Leading the Way
Succeeding Through Differentiation
Growing Our Business,
Growing Our People
Looking Ahead
Board of Commissioners
Board of Directors
Affiliations Among Members of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors
PT Total Persada Development
PT Total Persada Indonesia
Total Construction Institute
At Total Bangun Persada, we want to be trusted for our reliability in completing our projects to the satisfaction of our customers.
We believe this is crucial if we are to continue both at succeeding in this business, and in being Indonesia’s leading building construction organisation.
On a higher level, trust and reliability is essential in helping to set new standards for Indonesia’s construction industry.
Over the past quarter century, we have earned a high degree of respect for our ability to provide a professional level of building construction services. This is amply demonstrated in a number of ways.
First and foremost, we are committed to practicing fair business principles when dealing with customers and suppliers alike. We also hold sacred the trust our customers place in our ability to ensure that their significant investments are able to provide an appropriate level of return in the soonest possible time.
Secondly, we are committed to completing projects - no matter how complex - on time, on budget and to the specifications desired.
Thirdly, we have an established track record of seeing every one of our projects to completion and have never abandoned a project purely on a basis of profit.
Finally, we believe the attention to detail we bring to each project - from the quality of the finishing and even to the safety and cleanliness of the project environment - also reflects our professionalism.
Not surprisingly, we have had the opportunity to work with some of Indonesia’s leading property developers. In fact, of the 35 projects secured on average each year, half of them represent building contracts from repeat customers. Of these, a majority secured without even having to tender for them. In many cases, we have also earned the trust and confidence of internationally renowned architects to successfully implement their often sophisticated building designs.
The trust that we now enjoy has taken many years of hard work to build and we intend to ensure that we continue to earn it through everything that we do.